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A Typical Sunday
Morning Worship
9:30 AM
God takes great delight in the gathering of his people for worship, and the Scriptures reveal to us the type of worship that pleases God: worship that is joyful, reverent, sincere, and modeled on his Word. On Sunday mornings our worship includes a corporate confession of sin and assurance of pardon, the collection of the general offerings of the church, various confessions of our Christian faith, the reception of new members, the sacrament of baptism when appropriate, and the preaching of the Word - typically from our senior pastor, Nathan Trice.
Sunday School
11:15 AM
A time of fellowship follows the morning worship service each week, as hot and cold drinks are served in the Fellowship Hall next door. Please stay and allow us to greet and welcome you in the love of Christ! At about 11:15 each Sunday morning, Sunday School classes for all ages begin. Bible lessons, songs, and Scripture memorization are part of the children’s program, which is held in the Education Building across the parking lot. The adult Sunday School class is held in the sanctuary at the same hour, and alternates with seasons of prayer for matters of congregational concern, as well as broader gospel ministries.
Evening Worship
5:30 PM
The evening worship service at Resurrection is a vital complement to the morning worship: the second half of the means of grace prepared for us each Lord’s Day. On Sunday evenings our worship includes the consecutive reading of Scripture, the pastoral prayer, the preaching of the Word - typically by our associate pastor, Justin Rosser, the administration of the Lord’s Supper, and the collection of the diaconal offering. And there is typically lots of lingering in fellowship after worship as we savor the final remnants of our Lord’s Day together!
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