Who We Are

Resurrection Presbyterian Church is a local congregation committed to worshiping God, growing together in Christ, and sharing the hope of the gospel with others. Our worship and ministry are centered on God’s Word. Our desire is to grow together as a family that loves and serves Christ and each other. We are Reformed and Presbyterian in our doctrine and practice, and we find life together in the Lord to be a joy!


Our Worship

Our Sunday worship services are the pinnacle of our week, as we gather together to worship God, sing His praises, hear the preaching of His Word, confess our faith, and pray for His grace. We meet on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.


Our Denomination

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a Presbyterian denomination committed to the historic Christian faith, and rooted in the authority of the Word of God.

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Our Life Together 

As members of Resurrection Presbyterian, we are united together in Christ and committed to the good of each other. We enjoy ongoing opportunities for fellowship, including church fellowship meals, Wednesday night dinners and Bible classes during the summer, seasonal small group studies, women’s fellowship events, and men’s Bible studies. 

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