COVID-19 Precautions

We’re Worshipping in Person!

We continue to welcome visitors to join us for worship at 9:30 AM and 5:30 PM each Sunday. We do ask, however, that you take note of the special precautions we are taking to minimize risk of coronavirus transmission.

Our Precautions


1. Seating with spacing is provided in the sanctuary in the left and right sections of the pews. For those who consider themselves at lower risk of the coronavirus, seating without spacing is provided in the center section of the pews. Face coverings are recommended, though not required, in the sanctuary.

2. We encourage those in attendance who are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus threat to consider making use of the live stream in the Fellowship Hall during worship. And we do ask that all those making use of the Fellowship Hall during worship wear face coverings.

3. When going forward for Communion, please proceed toward the tables at the front by the center aisles, returning to your seats by the aisles along the walls.

4. Upon the conclusion of worship, please be sensitive to those who prefer to leave immediately. Fellowship outdoors is encouraged, if weather permits.